Process automation

Save hundreds of hours of admin work with process automation

Altura uses AI to automate every manual task in your process, from to-do’s and deadlines, to summaries and reminders. You can manage all your bids without drowning in admin work.

Bid teams cut down hours of admin work with Altura

the Problem

You're wasting your talent away creating to-do lists for bids

Chasing legal, sales and operations to get work done

Spending hours just to track progress for each bid

Input is spread across files - and inside people’s heads


Automation means you don't have to do these annoying tasks anymore.

No more creating to-do's

They are created automatically as you progress in a project.

No more chasing people

Task owners are reminded via email before the deadline.

No more updating calendars

Every key date can be added to your calendar in one click.

Focus on winning bids, not doing admin work

Make your bid team a well-oiled machine with Altura’s automation. Schedule a meeting with our team now to see our solutions in action.